Disability is a field on which institutions of higher education, companies and communities are asking more and more questions, often without solution in front of the questions which it raises.
We offer them an expertise and actions which allow them to take into account the needs for the young disabled students and to contribute to develop the representations.
With a wealth of 17 years experience with thousand young people, Handisup contributes to the national debates on themes in connection with the orientation, the occupational integration or the autism as well. HANDISUP moreover drafted the chapter "The orientation and the occupational integration" new guide of the conference of university presidents "Guide of the disabled student accompaniment at university".
HANDISUP's Chairman Mr. MALANDAIN was appointed member of the national experts Disability Group of the University Presidents Conference. This Group was asked to harmonize the accompaniment of the disabled students in the whole universities and colleges on the territory (until his deletion in 2012). He is also member of the workgroup “Disabled students” of the inter ministerial Disability Committee.
The Ministry of the higher education drafted a charter in October, 2012 " University-Disability - the occupational integration of the disabled students: A widened partnership context " aiming at identifying the main actors specialized in the field of the social and professional integration of the disabled students. HANDISUP Haute-Normandie is quoted as an “associative Partners ".
Besides, Handisup sits to the National Autism Committee in charge of the Autism Plan’s follow-up.
The ONISEP also presents Handisup as an inescapable partner for the young disabled students wondering about their future.
Historically, as our CEO and founder, Mr. Jean-Jacques MALANDAIN has been the first Disability representative at the University of ROUEN; we continue to maintain narrow links with the University of ROUEN. The agreement signed in 2000 is still very active and the partnership work is facilitated by the installation of Handisup’s premises in the university’s disability area.
Besides, Handisup has renewed its agreement with the University of Le Havre. The relations who were established with the disabled Department are excellent. Furthermore, both universities send us regularly disabled students needing an accompaniment in the construction of their project or the implementation of an experience in a company.
The number of disabled students in schools remains marginal and is often too weak to imagine a department dedicated to their reception. Whether it is the INSA of Rouen or ESIGELEC, NEOMA, or the other schools, Handisup alerts establishments to individual situations and can provide necessary advices.
The welcome of a disabled student in a Company isn’t obvious. Companies are in need for an adult relay (different from the student’s family), knowing well the student and his disability, who can answer their questions and guide them into the insertion approach. In this context, HANDISUP's expertise is appreciated of the private and public employers.
Around thirty companies have established a long-lasting partnership with HANDISUP and welcome, every year; students in internships, summers jobs, days for jobs ‘discovery or hire them. For all these actions, according to the disability types, visits on the spot, team meetings of awareness-raising, follow-up meetings, can be organized.
It is about an advice mission or a support mission, a help to awareness-raising actions, and the company’s accompaniment.
Everything is implemented so that the experiment can be successful both for the student and for the company.